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The photo shows, there are two seemingly skeleton shaped white objects exposed on the surface of Mars. (graph / turn over the network)

台媒称,一名“外星发烧友“仔细审视过美国国家航空航天局(NASA)从”好奇号“火星探测器Curiosity Rover) 传回来的照片后声称:发现火星上有疑似外星人的”化石骸骨“!此一消息让相深信有外星人存在的阴谋论者大为振奋。

Taiwan media said a “alien enthusiasts” scrutinizing the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from the “curiosity” Mars rover curiosity Rover) sent back photos said that found on Mars suspected alien “fossil bones”. This news is convinced that the presence of the alien presence of the conspiracy theory.


According to Taiwan’s ETTV News reported on July 21, the “alien enthusiasts” photos show that there are two seemingly bones in the shape of a white object exposed on the surface of Mars. One of the smaller, showing the shape of the head, body and arm. Another big volume. Some people think that this is a fossil of some kind of alien species.


NASA has announced the above photos on the web, but did not make any comments on these two shapes unusual graphics.

不过,美国国家航空航天局首席科学家史托芬表示,他认为最近10年来已有“明显迹象“显示地球之以外有外星生命存在,但要获得确实证据,还需再等20至30年。 科学家一直希望探索地球以外是否有生物存在的谜题,英国物理学家霍金对此已发起新计划,宣布斥资1亿美元寻找这个谜题的答案。

However, the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration chief scientist history toffan said he believes that in recent 10 years has obvious signs of “show the existence of extraterrestrial life of the earth outside, but to obtain evidence does, still need to wait another 20 to 30 years. Scientists have always wanted to explore the existence of the earth outside the puzzle, the British physicist Hocking has launched a new program, announced to spend 0000000 to find the answer to this mystery.

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