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McDonald’s employee jumps through drive-through window to rescue unconscious police officer in Florida

A McDonald’s employee in Doral, Florida, rescued a

A McDonald’s employee in Doral, Florida, rescued a police officer on Tuesday after she became unconscious at the restaurant’s drive-through window, according to a local ABC News affiliate report.

Surveillance footage provided to Miami-based station WPLG shows the fast-acting employee, Pedro Viloria, jumping out the restaurant’s drive-through window after a customer very slowly pulls away.

Viloria said the customer — an off-duty Miami-Dade police officer who had her two children in the backseat — was suffering from a medical emergency.

Viloria said the customer pulled up and paid for her order without a problem, but he noticed that she was having trouble breathing when he returned to the window with her food.

“In that moment, I thought, ‘I’d rather save that woman’s life,'” he told WPLG on Tuesday. “I see she’s, like, inflating her neck, like trying to breathe, like ‘ahh,’ and basically I thought something was going wrong.”

After checking on the customer and finding her unconscious, Viloria said he rushed back into the restaurant to get help.

Thankfully, he did not have to look far.

A customer, who identified herself as a paramedic, jumped into action and assisted the officer, WPLG reported.

Moments later, an off-duty Miami-Dade Fire Rescue worker entered the store and offered his assistance as well, according to the report.

“The real heroes are the fire rescuers,” Viloria told WPLG.

He said the first responders performed CPR on the woman and used an automated external defibrillator to revive her.

男子欲實施强奸 被咬斷舌頭兩次向受害者索賠



















學生時代,老師給人的印象總是很沉悶。 尤其是一些女老師,經常以一副古板的妝容、正式的衣著示人,讓學生們打不起精神。 但如果是一位打扮時尚的美女老師,那結果就肯定不同了!

在韓國,就有一位超級漂亮的美女老師,比模特還要美! 而她的課堂上,學生們總是打起一百分精神,個個都全神貫注,希望考試一百分。

她就是Lee Na Yeong,1985年出生,畢業于東國大學英語系。














長得這麼漂亮,身材還這麼好,而且又聰明。 如果能夠與她合影,學生們就會迫不及待在網路上炫耀啦!








擁有模特一般的傲人身材和漂亮長相,以及聰明的頭腦,估計韓國的學生都迫不及待想要成為她的學生了。 如果學校多聘請一些這樣的女老師,估計韓國的博士肯定會多出來很多!








售「吃中國人」T 恤

德國服裝訂製網站Spreadshirt近日在其網站出售兩款印有「Save A Dog,Eat AChinese」(救一條狗, 吃一個中國人)和「Save A Shark,Eat A Chinese」(救一條鯊魚,吃一個中國人)的T恤,引發爭議。網站發言人回應該事件時稱,上述字樣的T恤沒有「種族主義」色彩,這是一種「差的幽默」,是設計師的創意,是公司支持言論自由的表現。因深受非議,Spreadshirt下架了「鯊魚」T恤,但截至昨日,官網上仍販售另一款T恤,每件售價25.39歐元(約澳門幣185元)。(互聯網圖片)

New video of events before fatal Ferguson shooting in film

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — A convenience store is disputing a new documentary’s claim that previously unreleased surveillance video suggests Michael Brown didn’t rob the store shortly before he was fatally shot by police in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014.

One of the filmmakers, Jason Pollock, told The New York Times he believes the footage shows Brown trading a small amount of marijuana for a bag of cigarillos around 1 a.m. on Aug. 9, 2014. The video doesn’t clearly show what was exchanged, but shows Brown leaving behind the bag of cigarillos.

Pollock reasons Brown intended to come back later for the cigarillos. Pollock argues the new footage challenges what authorities have said about Brown pushing a worker and taking cigarillos during another visit to the store about 10 hours later, shortly before he was killed.

Jay Kanzler, an attorney for the store and the employees shown in the video, said no such transaction took place.

“There was no understanding. No agreement. Those folks didn’t sell him cigarillos for pot. The reason he gave it back is he was walking out the door with unpaid merchandise and they wanted it back,” Kanzler told the newspaper.

The store’s co-owner, Andy Patel, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Sunday that Brown “grabbed the cigarillos and stole them” when Brown returned to the store later that day. Previously released surveillance video shows Brown strong-arming Patel and pushing him as he left.

Brown, who was 18, was fatally shot minutes later by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Brown, who was black, was unarmed. Wilson is white.

The shooting led to months of unrest and sometimes violent protests in the St. Louis suburb. A local grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice found no evidence of wrongdoing by Wilson, who resigned in November 2014. But the shooting and protests led to scrutiny of Ferguson, resulting in a scathing Justice Department report alleging racial bias in the city’s criminal justice system.

Some of the local officials who investigated the fatal shooting said they didn’t think the new footage shed much light on the case.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he wasn’t surprised that Brown was in the Ferguson Market earlier in the day. Belmar said his department focused on investigating the shooting, not the incident at the store.

Former Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said he hadn’t seen the earlier surveillance video, but that he didn’t think it was fair to connect the store to a drug transaction.

The new documentary called “Stranger Fruit” premiered Saturday at the South By Southwest festival in Austin, Texas.

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AnnaLynne McCord Admits She Self-Harmed and Was ‘Suicidal’ After Being Raped By a Friend in Her Own Home

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It took 10 years for AnnaLynne McCord to stop blaming herself for the rape she experienced as a teenager.

The 29-year-old 90210 actress gave a harrowing interview to the BBC on Wednesday in honor of International Women’s Day, where she spoke again about her assault and what she’s learned now that could help other survivors.

Recounting the incident, McCord noted how her rape happened in a different way than those often described by society.

“I was never raped in these scenarios they tell you you’re going to get raped in,” she said. “I was in my own home. Let a friend come stay at my place because [he] needed to crash. And I woke up to find my Southern hospitality, if you want to call it that, was being greatly taken advantage of. I woke up, and he was inside me — and my whole body shut down.”

At the time, McCord was just 18-years-old and living in Los Angeles where she was pursuing a career as an actress. Though she had grown up the pastor’s daughter in a devoutly Christian household, she had also experienced strict discipline from her parents as a child.

Leaving home at 15, she admits to going “a little crazy-wild in New York, dancing on tables wearing little miniskirts.”

Those things combined made her feel responsible for her own rape — though she admits now “how I dress does not mean yes.”

“For 10 years I thought it was my fault,” she said. “I didn’t fight back. I found out recently through my studies of neuroscience that my body completely shut everything down and wouldn’t let me fight back because I thought that was the only way to cope with abuse.”

AnnaLynne McCord Admits She Self-Harmed and Was ‘Suicidal’ After Being Raped By a Friend in Her Own Home
AnnaLynne McCord Admits She Self-Harmed and Was ‘Suicidal’ After Being Raped By a Friend in Her Own Home

After the incident happened, McCord said she completely shut down.

“I wasn’t the one seeking any kind of solace or consolation from what happened — I pretended like it didn’t occur and went on with my life,” she explained. “I thought I was fine and continued ‘living,’ if you want to call that living.”

“I became very, very dark,” she added. “Suicidal. Self-harming – cutting up my arms.”

But she also found herself drawn to charity work, especially with survivors of the Cambodian sex trade.

“I fight human trafficking, working with survivors of consistent rape every day — all day,” she said. “We’re working to get them back to some sort of normalcy.”

When she was asked by writers on 90210 if she was comfortable playing a storyline in which her character Naomi was raped by a teacher, McCord jumped at the chance thinking of her charity work — but not realizing her own connection to the material.

“The producers came down and asked, ‘Would you want to portray this — it’s very dark.’ It was the story of my character being raped. And I was like, ‘Yes, this is such an important topic,’ ” she said. “It was something I was really excited to tackle.”

“I did months and months of episodes,” McCord continued. “I was in to a second season of the storyline when I had a moment on set and what happened to me all came back in a flash.”

Since then, she hasn’t looked back — first revealing her story in a May 2014 Cosmopolitan piece and since taking her message to college campuses with her short film, I Choose. 

“The support has been amazing,” she previously told PEOPLE. “You think in your head that the opposite is going to happen. You think that you’ll be shamed and there will be even more degradation, humiliation. And the opposite has been apparent. But what’s even more important than that to me has been the outreach from survivors who are telling me their stories.”

She said thousands victims have reach outed to her about their own experiences — emails that she personally takes the time to answer.

“Eighty percent of them have told me for the very first time – a complete stranger, someone they don’t even know, a random actress in Los Angeles – because I said, ‘Hey, I was raped too and it’s okay,’ ” McCord shared. “And the ‘it’s okay’ part is the most crucial part.”

女學生遭集體非禮 多名男生輪流強吻




日本秒搜「撈球弟」千人灌爆帳號 網斥:要求不得進場

▲WBC日本「撈球弟」遭日網友肉搜。(圖/截自@Jin115推特 以下同)


2017 WBC日本7日首戰東京巨蛋對決古巴,4局下雙方戰成平手,日本二壘有人情況下,山田哲人大棒一揮球送出牆外,因球迷伸手撈球遭改判二壘安,隨後日本網友旋即「神」出這位「撈球弟」推特,不到30分鐘遭數千名網友灌爆,隨後也被拍到被球場警衛請出場畫面,並被列位東京巨蛋不受歡迎人物,日本網友也砲轟,這應該要終身不得進場。




正妹老師性感套裝秀美腿上課 網友:怎麼專心啦




網友們看到這組照片後,大家都被她優雅的氣質和堪稱完美的身材,甚至還封她是「最美的女老師」,紛紛肉搜這名美女老師的身分。有網友肉搜到她的臉書和IG資料,得知她的名字叫做朴賢書「Hyunseo Park」,而她真實的身分並非老師,而是一名網路主播。















Hunter McGrady’s Supersexy Red Carpet Look Has an Important Message

Model Hunter McGrady knows the importance of proper clothing selection. The rising star walked the iHeartRadio Music Awards red carpet in an outfit that could’ve come straight out of Christian Grey’s red room. Although the ensemble stood out not just for its risqué factors, but for the designers behind the pieces. She wore Chromat and Prabal Gurung for Lane Bryant with Fashion to Figure, all body positive brands that design clothes for curvy women.

McGrady, who recently shot for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, opened up about the importance of feeling sexy — and of clothes that make that possible for curvy women. “I just threw on what I wanted to wear. I feel like a lot of people try to put curvy girls in this category of ‘you can’t wear this. You can only wear this,’” she told Yahoo Style. “I kind of said, ‘You know what? I’m just going to wear what I want. And so I threw it on, and here I am. I feel supersexy in it!”

Supersexy is an understatement. The outfit, consisting of a sheer pencil skirt that covers up a cut-out bustier and garter belt, was more than 50 Shades of Grey — it was like 100 Shades of Black.

As the curviest model ever featured in Sports Illustrated, McGrady has plenty to say about how our culture perceives flaws. “It’s something that’s always been in my heart and something that I’ve been so proud of. I struggled with a lot of insecurity when I was younger. I mean I still do. Of course I’m only human,” she said.

She continued, “I just want women out there to know that you are beautiful in the skin that you’re in. And what people deem flaws are not flaws. Everyone has these things, whether it be stretch marks, cellulite, acne, whatever it is.” Translation: Whatever you’re most insecure about, work hard to embrace it (and maybe you’ll also end up in Sports Illustrated.)

台女失聯/涉詐騙到韓隔天遭捕羈押 焦急母沒有接電話







此事引發網友砲轟,而當初幫忙PO出許多2人失聯訊息的「유학일기 – 留學日記」粉絲團,5日早上也PO文,「現在還不知道是自己願意參加的還是被逼迫不得不去的,到現在這件事情的前後還沒大白了嘛,不要太急著罵她,若是她故意騙父母跑去的話,那時候罵也來得及嘛~是不是?。」底下網友則留言,「覺得心灰意冷了。」「至少人平安,其他事情就讓他們的家人去處理去煩惱吧!」












Emma Watson’s Definition of Feminism Should Count for Beyoncé, Too

emma watson topless photoshoot feminism


Emma Watson, under fire for appearing in a braless photo for Vanity Fair, pushed back against critics, which reminds us of when she had similar misgivings about Beyoncé. (Photo: Getty Images)


When Emma Watson was featured on the cover of the latest issue of Vanity Fair, with an accompanying spread that sees her braless with a cutout top, she got a fair bit of criticism online from all sides. And while the star of Beauty and the Beast had not responded before, she recently did on a press junket interview for the new film. “Is there a controversy about this?” she asked sarcastically.

“It just always reveals to me of how many misconceptions and misunderstandings there [are] about what feminism is,” the 26-year old told the BBC about the reaction to the Tim Walker photograph. “Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality.”

“I really don’t know what my t*ts have to do with it,” she continued. In the photograph, Watson is wearing a Burberry crochet cape — with no blouse.

“I was slightly taken aback by [that specific shot] because we were doing so many crazy things on that shoot,” the U.N. Women’s goodwill ambassador said. “It had felt so artistic, and I had been so creatively involved and engaged with Tim. I am so thrilled with how interesting and beautiful the photographs were.” But for some, the comments seem hypocritical.

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Feminism should not be used as a measuring stick to criticize and ridicule other women, but it should advocate for a woman’s right to choose how she presents her body, thoughts and emotions. Watson’s track record doesn’t exactly reflect that, as some have pointed out.

In an interview with Wonderland magazine, Watson commented on Beyoncé’s self-titled album. “As I was watching it, I felt very conflicted,” she said. “I felt her message felt very conflicted in the sense that, on the one hand, she is putting herself in a category of a feminist, but then the camera, it felt very male — such a male, voyeuristic experience of her.” But wait, as we all know, it’s Beyoncé who makes the final decision on how she is portrayed, in every sense. So what’s the difference?

That ability to talk out of both sides of your mouth about feminism is what some have derisively deemed “white feminism.” It is categorized as having the sort of viewpoint that, on one hand, defends the speaker (usually a white subject), while at the same time criticizing feminism as it is expressed by others (typically women of color): that is, using feminism as a stick with which to beat other women, essentially.

Here, Watson contends that feminism is about giving women a choice. It was her choice to appear in the way that she did in Walker’s photograph. It was partially her version, apparently, as she was creatively involved in the shoot. But wasn’t Beyoncé, as well? Hasn’t she engineered and directed all aspects of her career and her image, since firing her father back in 2011? Wasn’t she also creatively involved in the final look of her album?

To be fair, Watson may have evolved since her original statements and come to understand that one can be both a feministand appear in lingerie. One can be both sexy to men and adamant about the rights of women. And while it’s her choice whether she reveals this maturation to the public, doing so could go a long way toward letting people understand her seemingly contradictory positions.