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Posts Tagged ‘ roger vivier

林心如搭配Roger Vivier演繹經典與優雅

林心如向来是Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚品牌好友,出入各大场合常以Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚鞋包为首选。

林心如搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Sandal Choc Ondulation高跟鞋出席“乐视生态之夜”

Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚Sandal Choc Ondulation高跟鞋人民币8,300元

林心如搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Decollete Sexy ChocBuckle Strass高跟鞋出席咪咕“互联网文学之夜”

Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚Decollete Sexy Choc Buckle Strass高跟鞋人民币14,500元

Roger Vivier 亞華光點綴2016上海國際電影節

每年6月的上海國際電影節,眾星雲集。除了電影作品外,當紅女星于各大紅毯晚宴的造型無疑是眾人關注的另一焦點。 Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞作為當下炙手可熱的國際品牌,備受名人們的喜愛,而在今年的上海電影節,亦成為她們造型中的點睛之筆。

Roger Vivier 亚华光点缀2016上海国际电影节
Roger Vivier 亞華光點綴2016上海國際電影節
每年6月的上海國際電影節,眾星雲集。除了電影作品外,當紅女星于各大紅毯晚宴的造型無疑是眾人關注的另一焦點。 Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞作為當下炙手可熱的國際品牌,備受名人們的喜愛,而在今年的上海電影節,亦成為她們造型中的點睛之筆。

以家喻戶曉的出色演技和極具情懷的才華當上新晉導演的趙薇在本屆上海國際電影節紅毯上的亮相,自然而然成為了眾人矚目的焦點。一襲黑色紗袖綢面曳地禮服裙搭配Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞赤紅色Night Box Clutch晚裝包,華貴中盡顯雍容風姿,婀娜中蘊藏非凡氣度。

趙薇的成功憑藉的不僅僅是她獨樹一幟的演藝才能,更是那勇於直面挑戰,不斷突破自我的人生態度。她此次選擇的Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞Night Box Clutch晚裝包正是品牌追求至臻工藝,不斷突破經典格局的力作。其線條利落大方,鑽扣小巧別緻,簡約中顯露高貴與典雅。


韓國知名藝人河智苑自《秘密花園》聲名雀起後,先後為我們帶來了眾多優秀作品。本次受邀出席上海國際電影節紅毯,河智苑以一襲藍色禮服裙,搭配Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞Boite De Nuit Jaipur晚裝包。華麗奪目的球形水鑽扣和珍珠流蘇與素雅溫婉的禮服相得益彰,在一貫的英氣之外更添嫻雅端莊。

著名演員唐嫣攜《賞金獵人》出席上海國際電影節紅毯時,亦選擇了此款Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞Boite De Nuit Jaipur珍珠晚裝包。雖已成為國內最炙手可熱的明星,唐嫣在追尋演藝夢想的道路上卻不曾停留片刻。此次與韓國人氣演員李敏鎬和香港知名藝人鍾漢良搭檔主演的電影《賞金獵人》中,唐嫣挑戰性感冷豔的新角色。恰如她紅毯上的全黑造型,在Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞Boite De Nuit Jaipur晚裝包的點綴下,氣場十足,完美展露不僅限於嬌俏可人的別樣風情。


溫柔鎧甲 Roger Vivier推出2016秋冬系列(圖)

她渾身充滿自信魅力,佩戴軍裝風配飾,比如全新Viv’手提包à la hussard以及新款10厘米粗喇叭跟高跟鞋,線條更為硬朗,格調也更為中性。

同時她又充滿了女性的柔美氣質,醉心於荷葉邊、全新印花和60年代設計。兩個截然相反的世界碰撞出新世紀女性的獨特魅力,Roger Vivier羅傑?維維亞創意總監Bruno Frisoni布魯諾?弗里索尼以精練的語言概括到:“她身披溫柔的鎧甲。”

Roger Vivier 詮釋溫柔鎧甲

Roger Vivier推出其全新2016秋冬系列——溫柔鎧甲。宛如一件精美絕倫巧奪天工的藝術品!柔美荷葉邊圍繞著別具一格的標誌性飾扣。 Roger Vivier羅傑·維維亞全新荷葉邊高跟鞋配上奪目的球形跟,融性感與巴黎式優雅於一體,同​​時又呈現了品牌雋永的經典元素。浪漫的皮革荷葉邊帶來少許法國康康舞氣息,混合了一縷令人難以抗拒的粗獷。 Roger Vivier羅傑·維維亞就是如此。

Olivia Palermo搭配Roger Vivier樂福鞋現身巴黎高定時裝週

2016年7月6日,紐約社交圈名媛、街拍女王Olivia Palermo奧利維亞·巴勒莫與其丈夫Johannes Huebl現身法國巴黎高定時裝週。 Olivia憑藉其渾然天成的搭配技巧和對時尚單品的獨到眼光,即使眾星雲集,依然能輕鬆脫穎而出,成為鎂光燈追逐的焦點。此番她選擇Roger Vivier 羅傑·維維亞樂福鞋搭配銀色流蘇連衣短裙,前衛時尚中不乏優雅與從容。

紐約社交圈名媛、街拍女王Olivia Palermo奧利維亞·巴勒莫與其丈夫Johannes Huebl
Roger Vivier 羅傑·維維亞樂福鞋於2016秋冬系列中首次發布,以其犀利的線條和柔美的輪廓將硬朗與溫柔結合得恰如其分,定義了摩登時代女性的別樣風姿。品牌經典飾扣作為此款鞋履的點睛之筆裝點其上,低調之餘亦彰顯品質。

林心如与Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚创意总监Bruno Frisoni布鲁诺•弗里索尼

Roger Vivier  2017春夏Rendez-Vous系列

著名影视制作人林心如与Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚创意总监Bruno Frisoni布鲁诺•弗里索尼

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚巴黎2017 春夏Rendez-Vous系列新品预览现场

Roger Vivier  2017春夏Rendez-Vous系列

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚巴黎2017 春夏Rendez-Vous系列新品预览现场

Roger Vivier 以2017春夏Rendez-Vous系列“午夜邂逅”歌颂夜晚,并向夜晚闪耀的光芒和赋予夜晚独特魅力的夜鸟致敬。

这一系列的灵魂仿佛一次沙漠之旅,极目所望,唯有壮丽地平线。想象身处于内华达州黑岩沙漠,每一年“Burning Man”火人音乐文化节都会于此举行。你几乎能够听见那反复击打下渐强的部落鼓声,创造出令人沉迷的韵律。

参与这项盛事的女性们都奢华高贵,独具个性,而又自由无拘。以此为灵感,Roger Vivier 创意总监Bruno Frisoni布鲁诺·弗里索尼设计了一系列极具神秘感的华丽晚装包和鞋履。穿插于整个系列的主要设计元素——鸟:富有生命力象征自由的雄鸡与金鹰将高贵与优雅注入品牌最为著名的Stiletto Sphere球形跟高跟凉鞋。皮革或水晶刺绣的结合惟妙惟肖地点缀成翱翔于天际的金鹰图案。运用银色或金色水晶的别致图案赋予了Roger Vivier 手包新的灵魂。标示性Pilgrim手包的极致优雅向来是品牌关注的重点,凭借“Passé Main”手工工艺,让镶满珠宝的金鹰熠熠生辉。

灵感汲取自沙漠绿洲中随风摇摆的棕榈树,当棕榈叶落于Roger Vivier  Stiletto Sphere球形跟高跟凉鞋之上,仿佛从高处飘然落下亲吻着双足。

正如动植物无法离开赖以生存的矿物质, Roger Vivier在本季的设计灵感中运用到动植物,渲染出饱满的生命力,强调了律动中的精致质感,重新诠释了晚装凉鞋。微妙的曲线包裹出足部完美的线条,性感十足。闪烁的珠片点缀于皮革之上形成绝佳的视觉形象,从而展现光与影的变幻。珍贵奢华的珊瑚宝石及绿松石的细密镶嵌,与自然纹理或金箔镀层的粗麻布形成强烈对比,勾勒出的原始自然之美。矜持中透出难以置信的大胆,当与标志性的Boite de nuit晚装包相结合时,呈现出强烈且令人意想不到的和谐之美。



品牌好友著名影视制作人林心如现身Roger Vivier巴黎2017 春夏Rendez-Vous系列新品预览。林心如凭借无数经典作品广受赞誉,而生活中的她从容且低调。

此番,林心如选择了一双简洁优雅的Roger Vivier Privilege Buckle Strass高跟鞋。此款高跟鞋为亚太限量款,搭配秋冬新款千鸟格Viv’ Nano手提包,知性而甜美的气质展露无遗。

温柔恬静的林心如无疑是现代新女性的典范,恰如其分地演绎出了维维亚女性的精致与优雅,每一个细节更是充分体现了Roger Vivier本季Rendez-Vous系列的灵魂所在:高贵典雅,成熟独立,运筹帷幄。

Roger Vivier 2017春夏Rendez-Vous系列

Roger Vivier 以2017春夏Rendez-Vous系列“午夜邂逅”歌颂夜晚,并向夜晚闪耀的光芒和赋予夜晚独特魅力的夜鸟致敬。

Roger Vivier  2017春夏Rendez-Vous系列

Roger Vivier 以2017春夏Rendez-Vous系列“午夜邂逅”歌颂夜晚,并向夜晚闪耀的光芒和赋予夜晚独特魅力的夜鸟致敬。

这一系列的灵魂仿佛一次沙漠之旅,极目所望,唯有壮丽地平线。想象身处于内华达州黑岩沙漠,每一年“Burning Man”火人音乐文化节都会于此举行。你几乎能够听见那反复击打下渐强的部落鼓声,创造出令人沉迷的韵律。

参与这项盛事的女性们都奢华高贵,独具个性,而又自由无拘。以此为灵感,Roger Vivier 创意总监Bruno Frisoni布鲁诺·弗里索尼设计了一系列极具神秘感的华丽晚装包和鞋履。穿插于整个系列的主要设计元素——鸟:富有生命力象征自由的雄鸡与金鹰将高贵与优雅注入品牌最为著名的Stiletto Sphere球形跟高跟凉鞋。皮革或水晶刺绣的结合惟妙惟肖地点缀成翱翔于天际的金鹰图案。运用银色或金色水晶的别致图案赋予了Roger Vivier 手包新的灵魂。标示性Pilgrim手包的极致优雅向来是品牌关注的重点,凭借“Passé Main”手工工艺,让镶满珠宝的金鹰熠熠生辉。

灵感汲取自沙漠绿洲中随风摇摆的棕榈树,当棕榈叶落于Roger Vivier  Stiletto Sphere球形跟高跟凉鞋之上,仿佛从高处飘然落下亲吻着双足。

正如动植物无法离开赖以生存的矿物质, Roger Vivier在本季的设计灵感中运用到动植物,渲染出饱满的生命力,强调了律动中的精致质感,重新诠释了晚装凉鞋。微妙的曲线包裹出足部完美的线条,性感十足。闪烁的珠片点缀于皮革之上形成绝佳的视觉形象,从而展现光与影的变幻。珍贵奢华的珊瑚宝石及绿松石的细密镶嵌,与自然纹理或金箔镀层的粗麻布形成强烈对比,勾勒出的原始自然之美。矜持中透出难以置信的大胆,当与标志性的Boite de nuit晚装包相结合时,呈现出强烈且令人意想不到的和谐之美。



品牌好友著名影视制作人林心如现身Roger Vivier巴黎2017 春夏Rendez-Vous系列新品预览。林心如凭借无数经典作品广受赞誉,而生活中的她从容且低调。

此番,林心如选择了一双简洁优雅的Roger Vivier Privilege Buckle Strass高跟鞋。此款高跟鞋为亚太限量款,搭配秋冬新款千鸟格Viv’ Nano手提包,知性而甜美的气质展露无遗。

温柔恬静的林心如无疑是现代新女性的典范,恰如其分地演绎出了维维亚女性的精致与优雅,每一个细节更是充分体现了Roger Vivier本季Rendez-Vous系列的灵魂所在:高贵典雅,成熟独立,运筹帷幄。

江一燕搭配Roger Vivier演繹率性與活力


近日,著名艺人江一燕携Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚Prismick牛仔系列单肩包休闲出街,于精致优雅中透出都市女性的时尚态度,突出其率性与活力。

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚特邀名人造型师Camille Seydoux为2016春夏重新诠释其精致优雅的Prismick经典系列。深浅牛仔加之几何拼接,更具层次与时尚感,在不经意间彰显冷艳魅力。

Roger Vivier(羅傑維維亞)推出2016春夏系列包包

Roger Vivier(罗杰维维亚)推出2016春夏系列包包

4月29日訊,在這個被花瓣染色的季節,母親節再度臨近。然而什麼樣的禮物在送出新意的同時又不失經典呢?讓我們放眼40年前,那個將花朵穿戴於身的屬於媽媽們的年輕時代。早在上個世紀​​70年代,媽媽們已將這標誌性的法式風情穿上了街頭。而Roger Vivier 羅傑維維亞2016春夏系列包包再度詮釋了這個年代的風格,將懷舊色彩與復古花朵完美演繹,何不將這能穿戴於身上的花朵贈與母親。

Viv’手提包是一款兼具功能性及美觀性的成熟風格日裝包,輕盈優雅,實用百搭。而今年春夏,Roger Vivier羅傑·維維亞更是將明媚植於其上,花兒朵朵綻放。不同的花朵設計與色彩運用中蘊含的無限巧思,無論是低調優雅,隨性灑脫,還是摩登前衛,復古浪漫,似乎都能在這一季的Viv‘手提包中覓得。

作為品牌永不過時的經典款,Ines系列本季也推出了純棉印花款Ines Flowers Envelope手包,其設計靈感源於信封,設計簡潔成熟,時髦高雅。

說到印花純棉質地,不得不提到春夏U Look系列。經典方扣由亮面金屬與霧面金屬這兩個U 形結構拼接在一起,經典時尚。懷舊色彩的印花及方頭,則為整體造型增添了復古意味。 Chips Sandal涼鞋系列中的印花坡跟涼鞋明艷動人,步履間似是花朵於足尖朵朵綻放。

Roger Vivier羅傑·維維亞首次推出的運動鞋系列SneakyViv’中,亦有水晶方扣印花款以及真皮底上縫有真皮花的拉鍊款,隨意舒適中彰顯大膽前衛,賦予母親絢爛春光下的無比活力。

Roger Vivier 女王的造鞋師

Roger Vivier这个来自巴黎的鞋履品牌可能在国内还鲜有提及,但在欧美,其锋头一定不比Manolo Blahnik或Christian Louboutin等鞋履名牌弱。

Roger Vivier (French, 1907–1998)

  Roger Vivier,这个来自巴黎的鞋履品牌可能在国内还鲜有提及,但在欧美,其锋头一定不比Manolo Blahnik或Christian Louboutin等鞋履名牌弱。

  Roger Vivier这个来自巴黎的鞋履品牌自上世纪六十年代为Yves Saint Laurent设计鞋子以来,Roger Vivier的作品曾在不少名媛淑女的脚踝上闪耀过——Catherine Deneuve、Marlene Dietrich、温莎公爵夫人,甚或是英女皇伊利沙白二世在加冕礼堂中,也是穿Vivier的鞋子。

Roger Vivier发明了第一双细高跟鞋

  创始人Roger Vivier生于1907年的巴黎,从17岁就开始对造鞋产生浓厚兴趣,直到90岁逝世,不可谓不长情。其成名作诞生于上世纪50年代为DIOR高级皮鞋部门担任设计师时期,因为大受欢迎,连续十年推出同系列鞋款。打响名堂之后,Roger Vivier在巴黎开设了自己的第一家专门店,专攻高端皮鞋。由于当时在海外没有分店,因此从世界各地慕名而来的粉丝们几乎将鞋店的门槛踏破,其中就包括了当今炙手可热的奥斯卡影后Nicole Kidman,狂热的她无论是出席重大场合还是轻便出行,都少不了Roger Vivier相伴。

           当年,Roger Vivier的鞋以创新、前卫、现代见称,如今亦是。他最著名的一款Belle du Jour(以Catherine Deneuve成名作Belle du Jour《白日美人》命名)鞋子,将大大的方形银扣缀在鞋头前端,革新传统的鞋子设计;虽然近代出现了不少类似的设计,但要知道在六十年代,是没有有设计师会这样装上鞋扣的。另一项要注意的,就是Roger Vivier的鞋跟,是他第一个发明了细高跟鞋,他曾设计了多款形状破格的鞋跟,而现代的设计亦贯彻了这个元素。


名模Twiggy最爱的Belle du Jour方扣漆皮鞋

         别以为是老牌子,鞋履的设计就一定古朴落后,其实Roger Vivier向来以其前卫创新的设计风格,成为年轻一辈鞋履设计师的仿效对象。说到其经典之作,必定是于上世纪六十年代为时装品牌YvesSaintLaurent所设计的Belle du Jour方扣漆皮鞋,置在鞋头最前端的特大长形方扣,革新了传统的鞋子设计,加上一代女星嘉芙莲丹露及名模Twiggy的明星效应,令这种方扣皮鞋在当年创出销售12万对的佳绩。

      现任设计师Bruno Frisoni为了纪念Roger Vivier,将这方扣标志正式改名为Belle Vivier。新一季的产品,除了为鞋身换上丝绢、马毛等物料外,还在方扣加上闪石或刻字的装饰,紧贴时尚潮流

Evening pump, 1961

  由Roger Vivier (French, 1907–1998) 设计,使用真丝、仿水晶、塑胶、金属制成。

林心如搭配Roger Vivier演繹經典與優雅

林心如向来是Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚品牌好友,出入各大场合常以Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚鞋包为首选。

林心如搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Sandal Choc Ondulation高跟鞋出席“乐视生态之夜”

Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚Sandal Choc Ondulation高跟鞋人民币8,300元

林心如搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Decollete Sexy ChocBuckle Strass高跟鞋出席咪咕“互联网文学之夜”

Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚Decollete Sexy Choc Buckle Strass高跟鞋人民币14,500元

江一燕搭配Roger Vivier演繹率性與活力




近日,著名藝人江一燕攜Roger Vivier羅傑·維維亞Prismick牛仔系列單肩包休閒出街,於精緻優雅中透出都市女性的時尚態度,突出其率性與活力。

Roger Vivier羅傑•維維亞特邀名人造型師Camille Seydoux為2016春夏重新詮釋其精緻優雅的Prismick經典系列。深淺牛仔加之幾何拼接,更具層次與時尚感,在不經意間彰顯冷艷魅力。

Karlie Kloss搭配Roger Vivier晚装包及高跟鞋出席派对

近日,新科奥斯卡影后Brie Larson布丽·拉尔森出席《房间 Room》于日本的首映礼,以一身极富层次与设计感的裙装,搭配Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚Sin Stiletto高跟鞋,衬托足部迷人线条,从容展露高贵优雅的独特个人魅力。

本季春夏Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚全新推出的Sin系列细高跟凉鞋,全新的鞋跟设计打造出女性别样的性感韵味。其简约的波浪式弧度及性感踝带完美衬托足部曲线,打造完美的日装及晚装造型。更有其他颜色和创意复古花朵设计款,时髦又具女人味,令你性感妩媚之余更独具优雅女性气息,在人群中脱颖而出!

Roger Vivier Viv’手提包成女神新宠

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Viv’手提包唤醒50年代标志性Miss Viv’的摩登建筑风格,以年轻时尚的新款型再度呈现,成为明星们的新宠。

Kirsten Dunst克尔斯滕•邓斯特搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Viv’手提包

Kirsten Dunst克尔斯滕•邓斯特搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Viv’手提包

Kirsten Dunst克尔斯滕•邓斯特搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Viv’手提包

Kirsten Dunst克尔斯滕•邓斯特搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Viv’手提包

轻巧的斜挎设计是休闲外出时的佳选,有三种大小可选,分别为袖珍、小号,及中号,且有多种颜色和材质可选。近日,Kirsten Dunst克尔斯滕•邓斯特携黑色Viv’手提包搭配休闲西装和极具女人味的裙装,出席其新片《午夜逃亡》的伦敦宣传,知性优雅而又随性亲和。

Jessica Alba杰西卡•阿尔芭搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Viv’ Micro手提包

JESSICA Alba杰西卡•阿尔芭搭配Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚Viv’ Micro手提包

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚2016春夏系列Viv’手提包

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚2016春夏系列Viv’手提包

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚2016春夏系列Viv’手提包

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚2016春夏系列Viv’手提包

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚2016春夏系列Viv’手提包

Roger Vivier罗杰•维维亚2016春夏系列Viv’手提包

而其街拍中,此款Viv’手提包成为了整身搭配的点睛之笔,瞬间提升时尚感。刚过去不久的巴黎时装周,Jessica Alba杰西卡•阿尔芭亦携棕色Viv’ Micro手提包于巴黎有型出街 。

Tod’s或将恢复增长 欲重购Roger Vivier

意大利奢侈品集团Tods首席财务官Emilio Macellari周四出席米兰证券交易所举办的2014年奢侈品与财经日活动时提到将会在2015年下半年重启对奢侈鞋履品牌Roger Vivier的收购。


Tods是Roger Vivier的生产和分销商。Roger Vivier 2003年被Tods背后的Della Valle家族旗下的私人控股公司收购,2011年Tods与Roger Vivier续签代理合约时曾试图进行收购,但当时Della Valle家族拒绝出售,双方当前的合约将于2016年到期。

Roger Vivier 2013财年收入同比增长53%至1.137亿欧元,占Tods总收入的1/10。然而到了本财年上半年,受中国市场特别疲软的影响,Roger Vivier作为集团内唯一领先市场的品牌收入仅按年增长1.4%(按固定汇率计算)至5,980万欧元,撇除一季度的3,130万欧元,二季度仅仅录得2,850万欧元的收入,较上年同期3,200万欧元实际暴跌11%。Emilio Macellari指出就算将集团须向Della Valle家族支付的授权费用(批发收入的12%)考虑在内,Roger Vivier的核心利润率依然高过集团平均水平。

Tods上半年整体持续疲软,所有品类销售均有不同幅度下跌,品牌方面除Roger Vivier之外的其他品牌收入亦全部下跌。


Emilio Macellari预计集团下半年的收入和净利润都可达到市场预期,并预料2015财年随着对意大利批发业务整顿的结束,销售会恢复个位数增长。市场预期Tods 2014财年收入将增长不到1%至9.79亿欧元,核心利润率则会从去年的24.4%大幅下降至22%。

谈到香港目前的“占中”运动对当地业务的影响,Emilio Macellari表示并不担心,他同时透露在“占中”期间,大中华地区的销售反而实现增长。

Tod’s主席、联合首席执行官Diego Della Valle上个月曾提到从长远来看会将旗下鞋履品牌Hogan分拆上市。该品牌上半年收入为1.045亿欧元,占集团收入21.8%,较去年同期1.113亿欧元下滑6.1%,过去四年一直受制于集团收紧本土市场的第三方分销,是集团表现最差的品牌。Hogan目前正专注于在国际、特别是中国市场的扩张,并计划拓展皮具品类,目标10年内实现年收入7-8亿欧元,不过分析师对Hogan发展能力存疑。

French Stylist Camille Seydoux Discusses Her Denim Collab with Roger Vivier

Camille Seydoux with her Roger Vivier collab

Camille Seydoux with her Roger Vivier collab(Photo: Courtesy Roger Vivier).

When it comes to cool French girls, Camille Seydoux hits all the inevitable marks: She’s got a certain nonchalant style with just the right amount of feminine charm, she also maintains a sense of irreverence, while still being totally relevant. As a stylist to the stars, she works with an equally enviable client list, which includes her sister, Léa Seydoux (yes, the Bond girl) and Adèle Exarchopoulos.

So it makes perfect sense why Roger Vivier handpicked the stylist for a purse and shoe collaboration, entirely decked out in patchwork denim and lined in hot pink leather. “It is a color that makes me happy,” she explained. “It’s so feminine and it’s really the color for girls.”

Last week, Ms. Seydoux celebrated the Prismick Jeans collaboration with a lunch at Maman, a rustic Tribeca eatery that is famous for its Americanized French fare. A slew of New York girls, including Leandra Medine, Mia Moretti and Garance Doré, who turned up in their best denim and contrasted it with with these Vivier pieces.

A day after her lunch, the Observer met up with Ms. Seydoux at the Roger Vivier boutique on the Upper East Side to discuss her newfound design prowess, how hands on she was with these creations and where in the world she buys her own pieces of denim.

How did you first align with Roger Vivier?
It started after the Cannes Film Festival last year, when I met the team in Paris. I met Bruno Frisoni, the actual designer and the studio, and they told me they wanted to work with me on a little collaboration. I was so excited and of course so willing to do it.

What type of parameters did they give you regarding the collection?
I was completely free to do things my own way. It’s the first time they did something [like that] with someone outside the team.

How did you land on the idea to do bags and shoes in denim?
I was free to do anything, but I also needed to respect the house, the codes and their heritage. One of my favorites from Roger Vivier is the Prismick line. I looked at what they had done in the past with the Prismick and they had never done denim. It was something they wanted to do before and they thought this was a great idea!

Camille Seydoux

Camille Seydoux(Photo: Courtesy Roger Vivier).

What was the first Roger Vivier piece you owned?
It was a Prismick bag, a grey one that I got three years ago. But even before this collaboration, I’ve had all these books on Roger Vivier in my place, I love fashion books and I collect them. I would say my favorite design by him were the Mondrian shoe he did with Saint Laurent.

Who was the first person to wear a piece from your collaboration?
My sister [Léa Seydoux] for the first James Bond photo call back in November. She wore the platform shoes, but you couldn’t see them because she wore a long dress. But I was the first to carry the bag!

Camille Seydoux

Camille Seydoux(Photo: Courtesy Roger Vivier).

Is this denim the same kind used for jeans?
No it’s a special denim, the really strong stuff. You can’t use regular denim when you want to do accessories, especially when you want to do leather details.

How do you think girls in Paris will wear this collection, versus New York?
French girls will wear it very chic, with black and a white shirt. I think American girls are going to be more maybe creative and they are going to mix it with other pieces of denim. They won’t be afraid to do crazier things.

Where do you go to buy jeans?
When I’m in Paris I go to APC and when I’m in London, I love Topshop. In New York, I go to Barneys when I’m uptown. They have a great denim floor.

The Roger Vivier Sample Sale Is For the Woman Who Likes Options

Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images

Roger Vivier pumps spotted during Paris Fashion Week spring 2014

the epic Roger Vivier sample sale kicked off this morning at Soiffer Haskin with a massive line of shoppers eager to get their hands on discounted shoes, bags, and accessories. We joined the line just before 8:45am, and when doors opened more than an hour later, it would still be another hour and a half before we were able to make it inside. Pictures were prohibited, but we’ll do our best to describe what we saw.After checking coats, bags, and phones, we entered the sale to find a room full of shoes that range in size from 5 to 11 1/2, with a selection that runs the gamut from simple black satin slingbacks ($250) and calf hair smoking flats ($350) to extravagant jeweled buckled platform sandals ($1,450).

There are plenty of the brand’s signature shoes, like Belle Vivier Trompette pumps ($375) and ballerinas ($275) in a variety of colors. We also saw art-y shoes like smoking flats with a makeup brush on top ($550) and bedazzled buckles. Overall, pricing for the majority of what we saw fell between $275 and $375, and each shopper is allowed to purchase a maximum of 10 pairs of shoes.

We also saw wallets for $100, clutches and crossbody bags for $350, larger satchels for $1,200, and totes for $1,400 (bags are limited to three per customer). In terms of jewelry, we saw bracelets and brooches for $75 pins, plus a few necklaces.

Consider this a fair warning: We heard a security guard tell a woman as we were leaving just after 12pm that it would be at least two hours from the time she got in line until she would be able to shop the sale. Check out the Dealfeed below for more details, and if you decide to shop, let us know how you fare in the comments.

Roger Vivier Hosts Dinner for Camille Seydoux

Roger Vivier Prismick Denim By Camille Seydoux Dinner

Camille Seydoux, Alexia Niedzielski and Arizona Muse

DENIM DINNER: Camille Seydoux joined Alexia Niedzielski at an intimate dinner hosted by Roger Vivier at Casa Cruz in West London on Thursday night. The brand teamed up with the celebrity stylist on a collection where she reworked accessories into a lineup of patchwork denim styles that took cues from Vivier’s 2012 Prismick line.

When the dress code called for “denim inspired,” the London crowd came through. Guests, including Quentin Jonesand Jasmine Guinness, donned a range of blue-hued ensembles. Some draped dungaree jackets over shoulders while others did a double dose in denim. Relaxed fits, tapered and skinny styles were faded or frayed, in tones of deep indigos or stonewash.


Jones, who paired a vintage denim jacket and blouse over a long red Gucci skirt with floral embellishments and Roger Vivier shoes, said: “It’s about what you’ve had the longest and love the most. [That] would be my oldest pair of jeans.”

The British illustrator, model and filmmaker is working on a project with beauty brand Sisley and a short film, though she kept mum about the details.

Model Arizona Muse, a denim aficionado, noted a memorable denim item as a pair of classic Levi’s she owned when she was 10 years old. “I love denim,” she said. “Especially the crucial black jean, and I’m also loving a blue denim flare leg,” though she would end up wearing a black tux for the night.

This is the first commercial collection for Seydoux who hopes to collaborate again in the future. “I want to do many more,” she said. “I love the creative process. I have ideas all the time, I want to do so many things.”

The Prismick Denim collection is a four-piece capsule range, which includes a shoulder bag, an evening bag, platform sandals and ankle boots.

“I was very inspired by Jane Birkin,” she explained. “I have a picture of her at home, she’s wearing patchwork and she looks so effortless — both, so British and French. I was inspired by the platforms.”

Working with denim was not an issue for the stylist. “I love it because it’s classic,” she said. “It’s universally a type of fabric that you can use for accessories and clothes, and you can even wear it no matter if you’re a man or woman. It’s basic but it can also be haute couture.”

Seydoux’s fashion sense stems from familial ties: Both her sister Léa, who starred in James Bond’s “Spectre” and the “Grand Budapest Hotel,” and her mother-in-law, model Farida Khelfa, are front-row regulars. “I’m very inspired by my family,” she said. “I have one sister who is a photographer and another who is an actress. My mother used to have a shop and my mother-in-law was a muse of Alaïa and Jean Paul Gaultier. I was completely in awe. I learned so much from her. I knew who Azzedine Alaïa was when I was 8 years old.”

The stylist is about to shoot for Vanity Fair Italia — this time as a model. “When they called me I thought they were joking. They had a stylist for me. Can you imagine that?”

Roger Vivier Celebrates Their Collaboration With Camille Seydoux

Leandra Medine and Camille Seydoux